
Friday, November 9, 2012

30 days of Thanks Part 1

Not that I am not thankful EVERY day for these amazing treasures in my life, but in honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS - er... blog about it. Instead of doing a day by day playback, I'm just going to dump them by the masses - in NO particular order. So get ready...

1. Dogs - I do not know what I would do without these furry creatures in my life. Dogs love unconditionally. They do not care if you are dirty, sweaty, pretty, dressed up, stressed, sad... they still wag their tail and jump up to give kisses each and every time you walk through the door. They can put a smile on my face on the worst of days. They know when you are sad, and will cuddle up right beside you. They are loyal, loving and full of fun.

My loves Marley and Barkley :)
 2. Mexican Food - Maybe it's because I grew up in Arizona, but I absolutely love Mexican food. I could eat it every day. My FAVORITE is a restaurant in Arizona called Serrano's - best bean dip ever.

3. To be American - with all of the political nonsense going on the past few months, I have been super annoyed by the ignorance of people. I don't like to discuss politics with people - or religion - for the obvious reasons. So, I have been annoyed to read people's discriminatory and ignorant and arrogant comments on facebook during the election - and quite honestly it's still happening even after. People need to realize the blessing it is to live in this country - faults and all. They need to appreciate the opportunities we have and the FREEDOM we are given. Once more people realize and understand the TRUE meaning of being an American and the importance of compromise, then this country will be back on course.

4. Love - love makes the world go round. I am a true believer that love conquers all. The ability to love is a gift, and to receive the love in return is God's greatest gift.

5. Sisters - my sisters are by far the best friends I have had throughout life - with a few more that I will mention later. We have always had a tight niche family, so the bond between me and my three sisters began when we were each born. They are my people. I can go to them for anything. They will tell me when I am being stupid. They will tell me when I need to give in during fights with others. They will support me in anything I choose to do - and be completely encouraging every step of the way. They will console me on bad days. They will go above and beyond without me having to ask. They are my protectors, my life lines and my best friends - not only by blood but by choice.

Left to Right: Kim, Sarah, Amy
6. Job - I think it's a big one that many people take for granted. The unemployment rate these days has skyrocketed. I am lucky enough to have a job - with great co-workers, which is a big bonus.

7. Friends - what would life be without friends?? A lot of boredom. That is for sure. I truly couldn't imagine my life without some of the amazing friends that I have made along the way. So many life experiences come from the times spent in the company of great friends. The people who know you, know your faults, but still choose to be seen with you. I have made some great new friends this year too, who I am so thankful to have in mine and Alex's life. (just some of the friends below.. or else this blog entry would be never ending)

8. Megan Willis - yes, these 3 deserve their own. My best friend since 2nd grade - or was it 3rd? Part of my Megan tripod. Without her laughter and love of life, my life would be boring. She is my world traveler and gypsy soul. No matter how far we are apart, we will always and forever be the best of friends. People to rely on and bring comfort to the soul.

1. My bridal shower in AZ. 2. Our annual mother/daughter Christmas party.. Caveman themed. 3. Senior year of high school - MORP dance. 4. Mags birthday in Vegas.
 9. Megan (Hansen) Keeney - my best friend since 6th grade. Words cannot express how much I love this girl. She is part of who I am, and will always be there for me when I need her. Nothing in life could separate the friendship we have.

1. My bachelorette at the Cubs game. 2. Wedding day. 3. Bowling at Bachelorette. 4. Senior year of high school fashion show.

10. Katie Jo McGeeney - I don't think I would have made it through college without this girl. Even though we met my sophomore year of college, it feels like I have known her my entire life. She is a rare friend. One who would do anything for me. Someone I can count on, or turn to during a hard time.

1. Wedding day! 2. Visiting Katie in OKC. 3. Bachelorette in front of Wrigley Field. 4. Night out in Kansas.

I think that has been enough for one day! Holy picture overload! :)

Stay tuned for the remaining 20! Have a great weekend y'all. I know I will! Yummy dinner with fantastic friends tonight!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy hump day

... it's Wednesday people! You know what that means - it's almost the weekend!! Plus. it's Halloween!

This week seems to be going pretty fast. Not at all how I expected it. I had such a fun weekend with friends that are oh so awesome. On Friday night, we went to see Corey Smith - I loved it. The place was not packed - not even the slightest bit packed. Which meant plenty of room for dancing! And also the ability to be right up front. I - of course - drank my fair share. I think I forget that I am not 18 - not that I drank at 18... ya right - or 21 anymore. I just DO NOT recover like I used to. So, Saturday was a little more rough than planned. However, I was quite productive. Alex and I have been needing to clean out our laundry/storage room for some time now. It was fullllll of junk and empty boxes. So, I took the plunge and cleared the way for a lot of our wedding gifts that have been sitting in the basement - the ones not used on a daily basis. Obviously, this was way overdue since we got married in May! Oops. But hey - it got done. I love going through old things sometimes. I found all my old pictures from high school and the beginning years of college. It brings back good memories. Everyone needs to reminisce a little sometimes - just to remember where we came from - and how far we have come!

Anyway - Saturday night was rough at first. An old college room mate of mine asked me to go to the Carrie Underwood concert with her. I wasn't sure I was going to make it when I woke up on Saturday morning! But, I did. And I am sooooo happy I did. Not only was it great to catch up with an old friend, but we had awesome seats!! When we got there, we were in total surprise. Neither of us knew they were THAT close. We were dead center stage, 7 rows back. I have never been this close at a major concert before! Uhhh - scratch that - one other time, when my BFF and I were at Kenny Chesney we got pit seats! Those were pretty awesome too. I got hit in the head with Pat Green's drummer's drum stick. I thought I was cool. :) Back to Carrie - Hunter Hayes opened for her. I must say - he puts on a good little show himself. He was very good live. I hate when I see someone live and their voice is scratchy and off beat. Drives me nuts. He was good though. Now Carrie - she was AMAZING. Her voice is just breathtaking. That girl can wail! Her show was so much fun as well. She definitely puts on a good show. I recommend going if you can.

Carrie and I have an odd relationship. Jesus, Take the Wheel gets me every time. I cried at the concert - as I do most other times I hear this song. It touches my heart so much and brings me back to a certain point in my life. It just reminds me to be so incredibly thankful to be on this earth and live each day. God works in miraculous ways. Sometimes, we just all need a little reminder. This song - and these pictures - do it for me.

I was in a bad accident after slipping on black ice one winter while driving home to Arizona for Christmas. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt. But, sadly, I did lose my dog Piper.

Now for the goods... :)

Carrie blowing it up!

I've never seen an artist wave so much at a concert! Erin told me to wave at her while she was going over our heads. So - I did. And she waved back. :)

Erin and I before Carrie came on!

Hunter Hayes came out and sang with Carrie. It was great!

That's all for now! Have a safe night everyone!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well.. this post is very delayed - so sue me.

This past Sunday was my birthday - and I am old. One year older, one year wiser, and one year happier. Here I was thinking this was going to be a low key birthday. Boy, was I wrong! And lucky :)

LAST weekend - the one before my actual birthday weekend - a great childhood friend came in town to visit me. We had a blast. It is true what they say - no matter time or distance,  true friendships never end and you can pick up right where you left off. She had a rough road getting into town with the storms in the midwest. Her first leg was delayed, which meant she might not make her connection in Denver. We got lucky! The plane leaving Denver had to wait on it's crew coming in from another delayed flight! So, we were in business. We spent Friday chatting and catching up at the house over some wine and margs. Perfection. Saturday was SUPPOSED to be beautiful weather, but instead - it rained. Booo. Oh well. We ate at Picasso's in the Delano district - if you haven't had it, go. The pizza is delicious. And HUGE! Then, we drove her around Wichita to show her the "sights." She was amazed at how much bigger Wichita is than she thought - like most everyone else. It's the biggest city in Kansas people! Thanks to Kansas City being divided into 2 states that is. :)

Saturday night we headed out to Mike's Wine dive for some dinner and drinks before the night out. I wasn't too impressed with the place. The Sangria was pretty good, and the bruschetta, but the hummus and pita were not too impressive. We shared a burger, which wasn't anything special for the money we paid - but nothing to complain about I suppose. What was I impressed with Saturday night, you ask? Ernie Biggs Piano bar! It was a blast. I have been to several larger dueling piano bars in the past, so I wasn't expecting too much from this one. They proved me wrong. The little lady on stage was quite the spit fire. We danced with friends, drank a lot, and had a ball! My awesome friends even paid for me to dance on stage for my birthday. Love you girls!

Sunday morning was a little rough. Until I talked the hubby into making breakfast - biscuits and gravy, taters and bacon. Yuuummm. After lounging around for far too long with a friend in town, we decided to get moving and get around town again. We ended up stopping at Emerson Biggins to watch the Chiefs game - for the hubs - and got "stuck" there alllllll day. Put a bloody mary in front of this girl and everything is A-OK. Lost track of time, and were almost late to birthday dinner at the in-laws. Oops. We went bowling after dinner, which I love! It's been tooooo long since we went bowling. I missed it. Monday, I played hooky from work, and Kristin and I spent the day shopping - I spent too much - Shocker. Then, I sent her off Tuesday morning and had to get back into "real" life. Boooo.

Having fun at Ernie Biggs!

The Mirror at Ernie Biggs. People pay to have things written on it! Dylan had them write this.. those are his parents' names. Awesome!

The hubs thought he was an artist at the bowling alley :)

Last Thursday, my boss and co-workers threw me an office birthday party. They are awesome. Carlos O'Kelly's Chips, queso and salsa with Margaritas :) I was a happy girl.

Friday night after work I came home to a surprise birthday gift from the Hubs - a Keurig. Heaven. He spoils me soooo much. I love coffee. Especially with how busy I have been lately. I need a lot of it! Then, he took me to dinner, and we enjoyed some drinks and fun together - my favorite kind of fun... with the hubs. THEN, he surprised me by telling me I needed to pack a bag cuz we were leaving early in the morning for Oklahoma City to see a bestie, Katie Jo! Man, this husband of mine is good. He definitely earned himself some bonus points :)

So, Saturday we headed southbound 35 to OKC. We spent the day with Katie eating an awesome lunch at an upscale sports bar called Republic. If you want to know where to get a good burger - go there! It was oh-so-good. I ate the crap out of it. It had a pickle relish on it with an egg and a pretzel bun - are you drooling yet? My kind of burger. I also had a pretty good Amber beer there that is brewed at a solar power brewery in California - go me for going green. I tried their Bloody Mary because it is made with - wait for it - BACON flavored Vodka. I was told a few weeks ago that this is the best way to make them, but I have NEVER seen bacon flavored vodka at the liquor store - or anywhere else for that matter. So, I was pretty excited about it. I will say, it was pretty yummy - I just wish the overall Bloody was made a little better. ---Hey Kim, if you are reading this, can you buy some bacon flavored vodka and make me a Bloody Mary with it???? - Kim - my sister - makes the best bloody mary's I have ever had. Too bad she lives so far away - or else she would be my personal bartender on Sundays in the fall. :) After lunch, we headed down to Norman to tailgate for the Oklahoma versus Kansas football game. These people sure know how to tailgate. It was enjoyable. I miss having that experience. We left around half time, went and got some food and called it an early night - I'm so old, I know. Sunday - my actual birthday - was low key and amazing. The husband made me Jalapeno popper Chicken - recipe I found on Pinterest. It was pretty darn tasty. We also returned home to flowers from my parents. Sunflowers - my favorite! :)

My "green" beer. It was very good!

Had to "borrow" beer after a while... I laughed because Katie didn't know what 'Old Style' was.

Tailgating and playing beer darts.

Right by the stadium.

And to top off October - best month ever - I get to see Corey Smith tomorrow night at The Cotillion with the hubs and some friends. I am super pumped. If you don't know who he is, look him up. He's probably best described as 'red dirt country' but he plays a lot of upbeat acoustic. THEN, my friend Erin has an extra ticket to Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes on Saturday! So - I am one lucky, and spoiled girl this month.

Thanks all for the amazing birthday love!

Monday, October 8, 2012

day trip

Well, yesterday was an adventure. A very long and fun adventure.

We took a day trip to Kansas City for the Chiefs game. My friend Christin picked me up at 4:55 AM, and we packed up our junk and headed to the fire station to get our hubbies. Then, it was time to hit the road to KC. I don't know if it is because they upped the speed limit, or that we were going to the close side of KC, but the trip seemed to be pretty short. I think we got out of the Fire Station at about 5:45, hopped straight on the turn pike and made it to the stadium about 8 AM - with only 2 stops on the way up!

I must say, parking at the stadium is just plain silly. They force you to park ON TOP of all the other cars and have parking nazis who go around and yell at people trying to set up for a good time - geeez. Anyway, we got all parked, made some Bloody Marys, drank some beer and waited for our friends to show up with the grill! Ate some brats and had a good time!

This was my first time at Arrowhead Stadium. I must say, it is pretty nice. Even the "cheap seats" up on the 3rd level give a pretty good view of the game. I felt like I could see the whole field very clearly. We sat in the "VIP" section - as we liked to call it - because we got the hook up with tickets - thanks Cara and John! The whole 2nd level was indoor with big bars and lounge areas. It was carpeted and warm. There are doors that you walk out to go to your covered seats. It was a great view! All in all - I enjoyed myself.

After the game, we were beat. So, we headed out, stopped for dinner at Jose Pepper's and then hit the road back to good ol' Ta Town. I slept like a baby last night - it was awesome.

Here are a few pics from our day!

Ready to tailgate!

I bought us some Chiefs cups.

Some hard core Chiefs fans.

Watching people come in from the "VIP" area. :)

View from our seats.

That's all folks! Happy Monday.

Friday, October 5, 2012


... finally.

Friday and I have an odd relationship lately. I am ALWAYS late for work. My body thinks it is Saturday, and will NOT get up and get moving - not that that is much different than most other work days. But, still it is different. My weeks are exhausting lately. I don't know how some people do it - working 2 jobs, being a single parent, balance kids and work and school or the many other activities and events - kudos to them. By the time Friday rolls around, I am beat. I didn't think working and going to school full time were going to take this much out of me, but it definitely has. I am constantly on the go. Weekends SHOULD be study time, but most of the time I can't bring myself to open a book. Ohhh weeeelllll... gotta tough it out! Only 9 more weeks until finals! :)

Anyway - enough whining. Let's get down to business here... it's FRIDAY! woooo hooooooo. I <3 weekends. Even though Saturday will be spent studying - i am meeting a classmate, so i have to do it. But, Sunday morning we are going to KC for the Chiefs game! I am pretty excited. It has been a long time since I was at a football game - too long. I know what you are thinking... Chiefs? Really? Ha. Yes, they suck. No, I am not a Chiefs fan - but I did buy a $12 boys jersey from Marshalls for the game - gotta rep - I hate going to sports games and being "that" girl who looks like she doesn't belong. Plus, jerseys are oh-so comfyyyy. :) It's just going to be a fun time tailgating with friends, and spending some free time with the hubs. Just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I feel like we barely see each other anymore. He works a lot - gone every 3rd day at the station - and has his side job for week days off. He is a busy man. And I am at work and school all the dang time - plus study groups and group project meetings on weekends. Tangent - why do teachers insist on group projects??? EVERY one of my classes has one! Do they not realize the time it takes for us to meet up to do these things? I can understand BIG projects - like senior design or things - but not the itty bitty things like reviewing an article and making a powerpoint. wtf. Anyway - back on point... It's October 5th, and it's already too cold for me. I guess I need to go shopping for some of these things sooner rather than later! Will I ever get used to this cold? My body hates it. I need my warm and sunny weather.

Speaking of - isn't it funny how you always want what you don't have? I swear I remember growing up in the Arizona heat saying, "no I would rather be cold because you can cover up." What was I thinking? I would endure the heat year round if I had my choice. I like to be outside. That doesn't happen much in the winter in Kansas. If I need a snow fix, I will travel north or to Colorado and go snowboarding! Maybe one day I will get it figured out.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend y'all!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

oddly fascinating

I had a lab today at Via Christi, and it was AWESOME. One of my teachers is a research engineer in orthopedics at St. Francis Hospital. He takes us to the hospital and has a Doctor dissect an amputated leg in front of us. It is a full hands on lab - and I love it. I got to cut apart a knee and calf all in an hours time! We have had this lab before in another one of my classes, but this time it was even better because the Resident helping us was VERY imformative. There was a smaller group of students this time around too - which meant we were right up on the business - and we got to feel each and every part of the leg, including the ACL, miniscus, bone marrow, nerves, arteries.. you name it, we saw and touched it. Also - we tore the crap out of it.

I have decided that this is what I want to do. No - not be a surgeon. My hands are NOT steady and light enough for that! I want to work in orthopedics, orthopedics research and development
 -  to be involved in this area and have access to real hands on testing. Orthopedics have always been intriguing because they relate so closely to sports injuries, but this pretty much sealed the deal. The Doctor explained and showed the process of an ACL replacement surgery. I never actually understood how that worked until this morning. It's amazing. And the materials and components of a total knee are amazing. There is so much room for growth in bone and ligament repair. Not particularly the areas I mentioned. But I think more along the innovations and forward movement of elbows, running feet, limbs, prosthesis which allow mobility and athletics. Now, let's just hope I can make this happen.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

wish list..'s never-ending.

I swear, as soon as I buy things I want oh-so-bad, I want more. It's a never ending cycle.

Right now, I am CRAVING a few much needed things. I just need to find them much cheaper than the few I have found. If there are similar cheaper things out there that I have found, they just don't "hit the spot" to fill my exact desire. Why does that ALWAYS happen???

Here are just a few...

1. Emerald corduroy pants 2. Long Fur vest. Pleather leggings. high tops. (Even though Alex told me he wouldn't be seen with me if I wore a fur vest - I tried to buy one at Marshall's and he said no.) 3. Leather palmed gloves with finger tip and thumb tip flips - although I would prefer them to be longer on the arms than these!

1. Black cowboy boots 2. full fringe boots (top choice of finds) 3. Brown/tan lace up military boots 4. Striped 3/4 tops with colored laces

1. Lightweight loose off white sweaters (or colored too!) 2. Sequined colored and patterned mini - you never know when you will need to go fancy 3. Knit chunky scarves 4. Collared lace 3/4 sleeve shirt. High-waisted with open top skirt - I love this.

Like I said.. the list is endless! I need to make more money :)

I have seen a few of these - like cowboy boots - on websites on sale - such as Ruelala - but I just can't bring myself to spend the money yet. I just found a pair of black military lace up boots - that are oh-so cute - online - and only $60 - so I think I might go snatch those up after work at the mall -let's hope they have them in stores! - sorry Alex :) I hate sweaters - i sweat too much - but loose knit and crochet ones are perfect! Just hard to find ones I love! I am also on the hunt for new black leather boots. Mine are getting worn out, but I want some different than what I have because mine still have a season or two left in them. This way I can alternate!

If you find any of these things, please feel free to purchase them for me! - my birthday is coming up ;) - or just send me a note to let me know where!

Happy Hump day! :)

Dominican Republic

Well.. I have obviously been MIA for a while on these Blog posts. But - I am back and ready to play catch up.

It seems that every second of my days has been full since we returned from our AMAZING vacation. Work, school, work, school, homework - blah. Not fun.

So, let's recap, shall we?

The Dominican Republic - or the "DR" as we call it - was beautiful, fun, relaxing, and eventful! We spent our days drinking, soaking up the sun, and enjoying friends and a beautiful beach and atmosphere. We definitely brought back a lot of memories. But, we also "lost" a few memories as well. Good thing we had friends there to remind us of some of the things we - meaning Alex - did. We probably drank more than we needed to, but hey- it was vacation! And an ALL INCLUSIVE one at that. So, let's just say we got our moneys worth. This was the first true "vacation" I have been on out of the country. I want to go back, and to MANY other places now. It's amazing to see the difference in life styles and living. Granted, Alex and I never truly left the resort, but we did drive through town on the way to the Booze Cruise Party Boat. It was a whole new world - literally. From the way they drive - crazy - to the "car lots" and shopping. It was just different. But the water was Gorgeous. The sand was perfect, and the atmosphere was peaceful. Chris and Rae's wedding was surreal and perfect. It was an amazing trip, and I can't wait to go somewhere else like this! 

The whole DR crew at Chris and Rae's wedding!
Resort activity board.

Alex and Nick catching the only fish of our deep sea fishing adventure / throw up on a boat adventure.

Before the wedding at the resort.

The "fishermen" and their fish.

Alex's friends.

My favorite Palm Tree.

Dinner at the Japanese Restaurant.

RaeAnn and Chris saying "I DO."

Booze Cruise Party Boat... Beautiful water!

Dance Party in the Discoteca by ourselves.
My love at the wedding.

Until next time-- Cheers!

Friday, August 24, 2012

friday fever

It's FRIDAY! You know what that means... it's the weekend! Pure joy. I am pumped for this weekend for a few reasons.

1. I get a massage, mani and pedi tomorrow at Beau Monde. Yes. Puuuuuure bliss. My MIL gave me a gift card for Christmas, plus a free massage! Needless to say, I have procrastinated on using them. I'm good like that. But tomorrow, it's all about me.

2. After my morning spa session, I am heading southbound on 35 to OKC. That's right, I will be jamming to Pat Green my whole drive. I get to see my bestie - which is long overdue. I am excited. Downfall - Alex is working so he can't come with me. So, it's a girls night, and it will surely be enjoyable. Plus, it's a celebration for a college friend's wedding! Whoo hoooo. I love l-o-v-e.

3. Sunday = a day with Alex, packing, and relaxing. IF I can make it back in time, then I will be attending Rae's bridal shower in the AM. But, I am not sure hitting the road that early will work out since I have had plans with these two Oklahomans for a while. So, I will have to send my love in spirit. :) However, I will be packing for her WEDDING Sunday evening! So, that counts right??? I think so. Ugh. I detest packing. I ALWAYS over pack. I can't help it. It's in my "Jean"s - play on words there. Did ya like it??? haha... FYI - Jean is my grandma. Notorious for over packing - I just never know what we will be doing, so I pack everything I THINK I might need. The ironic part - it never fails that there is something that I need that I don't have. EVERY TIME. So, my goal for this trip is to under pack. Nothing that a bathing suit and cover-up won't work for, right? Plus a few dresses for dinner and the wedding. That's it. Sounds simple right? Wrong... what dresses do I bring? I need a jacket to match all of them. darn. And that doesn't even account for shoes. Or accessories... Oh, the problems of a girl....

my packing list

daily needs and wedding attire

for a night out or dinner at the resort

I think Monday and Tuesday will probably be the longest days EVER. I am antsy with anticipation for what this vacation will bring. Who knows - if it keeps raining, I might be holed up under a bed, sipping my cocktail from a straw so I don't spill. A little hurricane won't stop me! I am pumped! It is a much needed vacation/honeymoon/wedding party. I can't even fathom the memories that will be formed. So, until Wednesday, I will enjoy my weekend by making other memories. Surely, those that will last a lifetime.

Come Wednesday, my brain will be on vacation. And oh what a trip it will be! So, if you need me, you better catch me before then!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

number 12

12. Describe a typical day in your current life. - from my list of 30 things.

Hmmm.. my typical day. Wake up. Er, hit snooze 3 times. Cuddle with my pups. Drag myself out of bed. Brush my teeth, let the dogs out. Shower. Throw on some sorry excuse for make-up. Run out the door for work. Show up with a minute to spare. Race inside. Work. Listen to clients complain. Head home to my baby. This week, this changed. School started again. Boooo. Although it was MY choice to go back to school, I still don't look forward to the work involved. This semester is going to jam packed with reading, studying and projects. Sorry Alex. The up side is that I get out of work for a few hours. It's nice to have a break from that. I think I should "enjoy" some of my classes this semester. We shall see. I feel a lot more enveloped in class this go around though. That is for sure. I think by going back to school, and it being a well thought out choice, it makes me participate in class a lot more. I am not just there because I have to be. It was my choice to be there. So, let's hope I learn a thing or two. Then, I can get a job that I will enjoy, that will make me happy - oh and a god chunk of change. That never hurts, does it??

So, go ahead and add school into that routine. Plus MANY beers when I have to time!!

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

ode to love

Music is such a big part of my life. It can make my worst days tolerable. It helps my work days pass quicker. It makes me shake my booty. It makes me cry. It makes me feel blessed beyond belief. It makes me happy. There is a song for every emotion and every mood.

Lately, love songs have been hitting hard in my heart. They help me appreciate the true love and joy that my husband brings me. I can't honestly imagine my life without Alex. He is my person. The one who puts a smile on my face, who wipes my tears when I need him, who is hard and temperamental when it's called for, but soft and tender when the time is right. I am so incredibly thankful to have found this man to share my life with.

You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you
Like everything that's green, I need you
But it's more than one and one makes two
Put aside the math and the logic of it
You gotta know you want it too
- Song by Hunter Hayes

Do you ever catch yourself driving down the street when a certain song comes on, and you just lose it? It's like an emotional flood gate - which is rare for me. Lately, I am in awe of the blessing that God gave me. I am so fortunate to experience a once in a lifetime kind of love each and every day. I know that this is a blessing from God. For this gift, I am forever grateful.

A reading from the first letter of St John 4:7-12

God is love
My dear people,
let us love one another
since love comes from God
and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Anyone who fails to love can never have known God,
because God is love.
God's love for us was revealed
when God sent into the world his only Son
so that we could have life through him;
this is the love I mean:
not our love for God,
but God's love for us when he sent his Son
to be the sacrifice that takes our sins away.
My dear people,
since God has loved us so much,
we too should love one another.
No one has ever seen God;
but as long as we love one another
God will live in us
and his love will be complete in us.

Alex's 21st birthday, and the night it all began.

Our first trip together to Austin for my BFF's wedding!

First vacation with my family to NYC!

Sea World with my family

Arizona for the other BFF's wedding!

Popeye and Olive Oyl

Hiking Camelback mountain with the sis and bro-in-law

Fishing with the neice and nephew

Halloween 2010

My 25th at beerfest

Alex's first Arizona Christmas

having fun at Rustler's Roost in AZ

Royals Game

Cali for a short honeymoon

Engagement celebration in AZ

Alex's 25th/ St. Patty's day 2012

Alex surprised me with a speech - given by the DJ - at our wedding about how we met and came to be where we are today before we were introduced at the reception. so sweet.
The bride and groom want me to take a moment before I introduce them to let you all know thank you for being a part of their special day. They want to give a special thanks to their parents for making this all possible, and making it the best days of their lives. Words can’t express the the appreciation that they have for the four of you. None of this would be possible without you guys. So Lisa and Alex just want to say thank you and they love you.  

They wanted me to take a moment to share a few words to let you all know how they got to where they are today. First of all Lisa always knew Alex was the man of her dreams, even back when she met him when he was still in high school. I know some of you may not know Alex all that well, but that’s him just being his normal sarcastic self. Alex is lucky he has met the woman of his dreams. The two have known each other since Lisa’s freshman year in college, however Lisa always looked at Alex as the immature little  brother of one of her good friends, that was until Alex decided to make a move. However that move was when Alex had liquid courage and Lisa didn’t take him serious at first. He tried 3 times before she took him serious. It just so happened that every time Alex said something to her, he was a little intoxicated, but hey just like anyone else he likes to have a good time. They always spent time around each other during Lisa’s college days however they were just merely friends and never thought anything more.  Alex was the younger brother just sitting back taking everything in while he watched Lisa and his brother’s friend’s party and have a good time. Little did the two of them know that they would soon be together and starting an unimaginable journey, that one day they would be standing here today as husband and wife! Barb was in town to visit Lisa on Barb’s birthday and it just so happened to be Alex’s 21st. Alex always took a liking to Lisa, and of course he wanted her to be a part of his adventures as they took a bus around town, and partied hard! The night was progressing everyone was having a good time, and Alex started telling Barb that one day he was going to marry her daughter. We all know what she was thinking at the time, this guy is a drunken fool, what kind of nonsense is he speaking? Well as you can see he was very serious and that’s why we are all here today.
The night went on and everyone was having a good time and Lisa gave Alex a birthday kiss. Lisa won’t admit it but Alex claims this was their “first kiss”. Anyway days went by, Lisa and Alex talked off and on, and decided to go bowling one night. Mind you, this was before Lisa ever agreed to a date. Alex wasn’t drinking much this time and brought out a challenge for Lisa and said if I beat you bowling left handed we will go on a date. Of course she agreed, but it kind of sucked that’s the way it had to go but Lisa was being her stubborn self and always likes a challenge. Alex beat her and they went on their first date. They dated for a little over 3 years and Alex knew long before that this would be the girl he would spend the rest of his life with, so a year ago December Alex decided to make another move and ask her to marry him. Everything was going perfect, Alex was nervous at dinner while his brother Dylan was setting up at home. Turning all the lights off, leaving the lights for the christmas tree on, leaving out a bottle of wine, and a note Alex had writtenAlex had the ring all throughout dinner, clinching it with his sweaty handsAs they got home Lisa turned on the kitchen lights and started to do dishes. This was weird occurrence because that never happened! Can you guys tell that Alex wrote this? She walked right past what Alex had set up and started to change into pajamas because they were leaving early for Phoenix the next day. Alex proceeded to walk over to the tree and he asked Lisa, “what is this”? She pulled the note off started to read it, and realized what was happening. Alex got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.
To him this is a fairy tale story, he never knew he could be this lucky, to have the best girl in the world that would drop everything just to make him happy! Here they are today spending their special day with all of you wonderful people, starting the adventure of a lifetime that nobody can ever take away. 

Oh how I love this man.

Book of Tobit 8:4b-8
Tobiah arose from bed and said to his wife, "My love, get up. Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us and grant us deliverance." She got up, and they started to pray and beg that deliverance might be theirs. He began with these words:

"Blessed ard you, O God of our fathers; praised be your name forever and ever.
Let the heavens and all your creation praise you forever.
You made Adam and you give him his wife Eve to be his help and suppoer; and from these two the human race descended.
You said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.'
Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose.
Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age."

They said together, "Amen, amen."

So from the words of Adam Sandler...

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

I look forward to each and every day we spend together. I am anxious to live this life that God has planned for us, and I wouldn't want to spend it with anybody else. Each day is an adventure - the ride of a lifetime.

you'll always be my Angel.