
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well.. this post is very delayed - so sue me.

This past Sunday was my birthday - and I am old. One year older, one year wiser, and one year happier. Here I was thinking this was going to be a low key birthday. Boy, was I wrong! And lucky :)

LAST weekend - the one before my actual birthday weekend - a great childhood friend came in town to visit me. We had a blast. It is true what they say - no matter time or distance,  true friendships never end and you can pick up right where you left off. She had a rough road getting into town with the storms in the midwest. Her first leg was delayed, which meant she might not make her connection in Denver. We got lucky! The plane leaving Denver had to wait on it's crew coming in from another delayed flight! So, we were in business. We spent Friday chatting and catching up at the house over some wine and margs. Perfection. Saturday was SUPPOSED to be beautiful weather, but instead - it rained. Booo. Oh well. We ate at Picasso's in the Delano district - if you haven't had it, go. The pizza is delicious. And HUGE! Then, we drove her around Wichita to show her the "sights." She was amazed at how much bigger Wichita is than she thought - like most everyone else. It's the biggest city in Kansas people! Thanks to Kansas City being divided into 2 states that is. :)

Saturday night we headed out to Mike's Wine dive for some dinner and drinks before the night out. I wasn't too impressed with the place. The Sangria was pretty good, and the bruschetta, but the hummus and pita were not too impressive. We shared a burger, which wasn't anything special for the money we paid - but nothing to complain about I suppose. What was I impressed with Saturday night, you ask? Ernie Biggs Piano bar! It was a blast. I have been to several larger dueling piano bars in the past, so I wasn't expecting too much from this one. They proved me wrong. The little lady on stage was quite the spit fire. We danced with friends, drank a lot, and had a ball! My awesome friends even paid for me to dance on stage for my birthday. Love you girls!

Sunday morning was a little rough. Until I talked the hubby into making breakfast - biscuits and gravy, taters and bacon. Yuuummm. After lounging around for far too long with a friend in town, we decided to get moving and get around town again. We ended up stopping at Emerson Biggins to watch the Chiefs game - for the hubs - and got "stuck" there alllllll day. Put a bloody mary in front of this girl and everything is A-OK. Lost track of time, and were almost late to birthday dinner at the in-laws. Oops. We went bowling after dinner, which I love! It's been tooooo long since we went bowling. I missed it. Monday, I played hooky from work, and Kristin and I spent the day shopping - I spent too much - Shocker. Then, I sent her off Tuesday morning and had to get back into "real" life. Boooo.

Having fun at Ernie Biggs!

The Mirror at Ernie Biggs. People pay to have things written on it! Dylan had them write this.. those are his parents' names. Awesome!

The hubs thought he was an artist at the bowling alley :)

Last Thursday, my boss and co-workers threw me an office birthday party. They are awesome. Carlos O'Kelly's Chips, queso and salsa with Margaritas :) I was a happy girl.

Friday night after work I came home to a surprise birthday gift from the Hubs - a Keurig. Heaven. He spoils me soooo much. I love coffee. Especially with how busy I have been lately. I need a lot of it! Then, he took me to dinner, and we enjoyed some drinks and fun together - my favorite kind of fun... with the hubs. THEN, he surprised me by telling me I needed to pack a bag cuz we were leaving early in the morning for Oklahoma City to see a bestie, Katie Jo! Man, this husband of mine is good. He definitely earned himself some bonus points :)

So, Saturday we headed southbound 35 to OKC. We spent the day with Katie eating an awesome lunch at an upscale sports bar called Republic. If you want to know where to get a good burger - go there! It was oh-so-good. I ate the crap out of it. It had a pickle relish on it with an egg and a pretzel bun - are you drooling yet? My kind of burger. I also had a pretty good Amber beer there that is brewed at a solar power brewery in California - go me for going green. I tried their Bloody Mary because it is made with - wait for it - BACON flavored Vodka. I was told a few weeks ago that this is the best way to make them, but I have NEVER seen bacon flavored vodka at the liquor store - or anywhere else for that matter. So, I was pretty excited about it. I will say, it was pretty yummy - I just wish the overall Bloody was made a little better. ---Hey Kim, if you are reading this, can you buy some bacon flavored vodka and make me a Bloody Mary with it???? - Kim - my sister - makes the best bloody mary's I have ever had. Too bad she lives so far away - or else she would be my personal bartender on Sundays in the fall. :) After lunch, we headed down to Norman to tailgate for the Oklahoma versus Kansas football game. These people sure know how to tailgate. It was enjoyable. I miss having that experience. We left around half time, went and got some food and called it an early night - I'm so old, I know. Sunday - my actual birthday - was low key and amazing. The husband made me Jalapeno popper Chicken - recipe I found on Pinterest. It was pretty darn tasty. We also returned home to flowers from my parents. Sunflowers - my favorite! :)

My "green" beer. It was very good!

Had to "borrow" beer after a while... I laughed because Katie didn't know what 'Old Style' was.

Tailgating and playing beer darts.

Right by the stadium.

And to top off October - best month ever - I get to see Corey Smith tomorrow night at The Cotillion with the hubs and some friends. I am super pumped. If you don't know who he is, look him up. He's probably best described as 'red dirt country' but he plays a lot of upbeat acoustic. THEN, my friend Erin has an extra ticket to Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes on Saturday! So - I am one lucky, and spoiled girl this month.

Thanks all for the amazing birthday love!

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