
Friday, October 5, 2012


... finally.

Friday and I have an odd relationship lately. I am ALWAYS late for work. My body thinks it is Saturday, and will NOT get up and get moving - not that that is much different than most other work days. But, still it is different. My weeks are exhausting lately. I don't know how some people do it - working 2 jobs, being a single parent, balance kids and work and school or the many other activities and events - kudos to them. By the time Friday rolls around, I am beat. I didn't think working and going to school full time were going to take this much out of me, but it definitely has. I am constantly on the go. Weekends SHOULD be study time, but most of the time I can't bring myself to open a book. Ohhh weeeelllll... gotta tough it out! Only 9 more weeks until finals! :)

Anyway - enough whining. Let's get down to business here... it's FRIDAY! woooo hooooooo. I <3 weekends. Even though Saturday will be spent studying - i am meeting a classmate, so i have to do it. But, Sunday morning we are going to KC for the Chiefs game! I am pretty excited. It has been a long time since I was at a football game - too long. I know what you are thinking... Chiefs? Really? Ha. Yes, they suck. No, I am not a Chiefs fan - but I did buy a $12 boys jersey from Marshalls for the game - gotta rep - I hate going to sports games and being "that" girl who looks like she doesn't belong. Plus, jerseys are oh-so comfyyyy. :) It's just going to be a fun time tailgating with friends, and spending some free time with the hubs. Just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I feel like we barely see each other anymore. He works a lot - gone every 3rd day at the station - and has his side job for week days off. He is a busy man. And I am at work and school all the dang time - plus study groups and group project meetings on weekends. Tangent - why do teachers insist on group projects??? EVERY one of my classes has one! Do they not realize the time it takes for us to meet up to do these things? I can understand BIG projects - like senior design or things - but not the itty bitty things like reviewing an article and making a powerpoint. wtf. Anyway - back on point... It's October 5th, and it's already too cold for me. I guess I need to go shopping for some of these things sooner rather than later! Will I ever get used to this cold? My body hates it. I need my warm and sunny weather.

Speaking of - isn't it funny how you always want what you don't have? I swear I remember growing up in the Arizona heat saying, "no I would rather be cold because you can cover up." What was I thinking? I would endure the heat year round if I had my choice. I like to be outside. That doesn't happen much in the winter in Kansas. If I need a snow fix, I will travel north or to Colorado and go snowboarding! Maybe one day I will get it figured out.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend y'all!


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