
Friday, November 9, 2012

30 days of Thanks Part 1

Not that I am not thankful EVERY day for these amazing treasures in my life, but in honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS - er... blog about it. Instead of doing a day by day playback, I'm just going to dump them by the masses - in NO particular order. So get ready...

1. Dogs - I do not know what I would do without these furry creatures in my life. Dogs love unconditionally. They do not care if you are dirty, sweaty, pretty, dressed up, stressed, sad... they still wag their tail and jump up to give kisses each and every time you walk through the door. They can put a smile on my face on the worst of days. They know when you are sad, and will cuddle up right beside you. They are loyal, loving and full of fun.

My loves Marley and Barkley :)
 2. Mexican Food - Maybe it's because I grew up in Arizona, but I absolutely love Mexican food. I could eat it every day. My FAVORITE is a restaurant in Arizona called Serrano's - best bean dip ever.

3. To be American - with all of the political nonsense going on the past few months, I have been super annoyed by the ignorance of people. I don't like to discuss politics with people - or religion - for the obvious reasons. So, I have been annoyed to read people's discriminatory and ignorant and arrogant comments on facebook during the election - and quite honestly it's still happening even after. People need to realize the blessing it is to live in this country - faults and all. They need to appreciate the opportunities we have and the FREEDOM we are given. Once more people realize and understand the TRUE meaning of being an American and the importance of compromise, then this country will be back on course.

4. Love - love makes the world go round. I am a true believer that love conquers all. The ability to love is a gift, and to receive the love in return is God's greatest gift.

5. Sisters - my sisters are by far the best friends I have had throughout life - with a few more that I will mention later. We have always had a tight niche family, so the bond between me and my three sisters began when we were each born. They are my people. I can go to them for anything. They will tell me when I am being stupid. They will tell me when I need to give in during fights with others. They will support me in anything I choose to do - and be completely encouraging every step of the way. They will console me on bad days. They will go above and beyond without me having to ask. They are my protectors, my life lines and my best friends - not only by blood but by choice.

Left to Right: Kim, Sarah, Amy
6. Job - I think it's a big one that many people take for granted. The unemployment rate these days has skyrocketed. I am lucky enough to have a job - with great co-workers, which is a big bonus.

7. Friends - what would life be without friends?? A lot of boredom. That is for sure. I truly couldn't imagine my life without some of the amazing friends that I have made along the way. So many life experiences come from the times spent in the company of great friends. The people who know you, know your faults, but still choose to be seen with you. I have made some great new friends this year too, who I am so thankful to have in mine and Alex's life. (just some of the friends below.. or else this blog entry would be never ending)

8. Megan Willis - yes, these 3 deserve their own. My best friend since 2nd grade - or was it 3rd? Part of my Megan tripod. Without her laughter and love of life, my life would be boring. She is my world traveler and gypsy soul. No matter how far we are apart, we will always and forever be the best of friends. People to rely on and bring comfort to the soul.

1. My bridal shower in AZ. 2. Our annual mother/daughter Christmas party.. Caveman themed. 3. Senior year of high school - MORP dance. 4. Mags birthday in Vegas.
 9. Megan (Hansen) Keeney - my best friend since 6th grade. Words cannot express how much I love this girl. She is part of who I am, and will always be there for me when I need her. Nothing in life could separate the friendship we have.

1. My bachelorette at the Cubs game. 2. Wedding day. 3. Bowling at Bachelorette. 4. Senior year of high school fashion show.

10. Katie Jo McGeeney - I don't think I would have made it through college without this girl. Even though we met my sophomore year of college, it feels like I have known her my entire life. She is a rare friend. One who would do anything for me. Someone I can count on, or turn to during a hard time.

1. Wedding day! 2. Visiting Katie in OKC. 3. Bachelorette in front of Wrigley Field. 4. Night out in Kansas.

I think that has been enough for one day! Holy picture overload! :)

Stay tuned for the remaining 20! Have a great weekend y'all. I know I will! Yummy dinner with fantastic friends tonight!


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