
Thursday, August 23, 2012

number 12

12. Describe a typical day in your current life. - from my list of 30 things.

Hmmm.. my typical day. Wake up. Er, hit snooze 3 times. Cuddle with my pups. Drag myself out of bed. Brush my teeth, let the dogs out. Shower. Throw on some sorry excuse for make-up. Run out the door for work. Show up with a minute to spare. Race inside. Work. Listen to clients complain. Head home to my baby. This week, this changed. School started again. Boooo. Although it was MY choice to go back to school, I still don't look forward to the work involved. This semester is going to jam packed with reading, studying and projects. Sorry Alex. The up side is that I get out of work for a few hours. It's nice to have a break from that. I think I should "enjoy" some of my classes this semester. We shall see. I feel a lot more enveloped in class this go around though. That is for sure. I think by going back to school, and it being a well thought out choice, it makes me participate in class a lot more. I am not just there because I have to be. It was my choice to be there. So, let's hope I learn a thing or two. Then, I can get a job that I will enjoy, that will make me happy - oh and a god chunk of change. That never hurts, does it??

So, go ahead and add school into that routine. Plus MANY beers when I have to time!!

Happy Thursday!

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