
Friday, August 24, 2012

friday fever

It's FRIDAY! You know what that means... it's the weekend! Pure joy. I am pumped for this weekend for a few reasons.

1. I get a massage, mani and pedi tomorrow at Beau Monde. Yes. Puuuuuure bliss. My MIL gave me a gift card for Christmas, plus a free massage! Needless to say, I have procrastinated on using them. I'm good like that. But tomorrow, it's all about me.

2. After my morning spa session, I am heading southbound on 35 to OKC. That's right, I will be jamming to Pat Green my whole drive. I get to see my bestie - which is long overdue. I am excited. Downfall - Alex is working so he can't come with me. So, it's a girls night, and it will surely be enjoyable. Plus, it's a celebration for a college friend's wedding! Whoo hoooo. I love l-o-v-e.

3. Sunday = a day with Alex, packing, and relaxing. IF I can make it back in time, then I will be attending Rae's bridal shower in the AM. But, I am not sure hitting the road that early will work out since I have had plans with these two Oklahomans for a while. So, I will have to send my love in spirit. :) However, I will be packing for her WEDDING Sunday evening! So, that counts right??? I think so. Ugh. I detest packing. I ALWAYS over pack. I can't help it. It's in my "Jean"s - play on words there. Did ya like it??? haha... FYI - Jean is my grandma. Notorious for over packing - I just never know what we will be doing, so I pack everything I THINK I might need. The ironic part - it never fails that there is something that I need that I don't have. EVERY TIME. So, my goal for this trip is to under pack. Nothing that a bathing suit and cover-up won't work for, right? Plus a few dresses for dinner and the wedding. That's it. Sounds simple right? Wrong... what dresses do I bring? I need a jacket to match all of them. darn. And that doesn't even account for shoes. Or accessories... Oh, the problems of a girl....

my packing list

daily needs and wedding attire

for a night out or dinner at the resort

I think Monday and Tuesday will probably be the longest days EVER. I am antsy with anticipation for what this vacation will bring. Who knows - if it keeps raining, I might be holed up under a bed, sipping my cocktail from a straw so I don't spill. A little hurricane won't stop me! I am pumped! It is a much needed vacation/honeymoon/wedding party. I can't even fathom the memories that will be formed. So, until Wednesday, I will enjoy my weekend by making other memories. Surely, those that will last a lifetime.

Come Wednesday, my brain will be on vacation. And oh what a trip it will be! So, if you need me, you better catch me before then!

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