
Thursday, August 9, 2012

thirty things -cont...

Remember this... List of 30 Things???? Ya, well my whole goal of one a day is obviously not happening. So, you get them when you get them :)

For #10. Describe your most embarrassing moment... there are too many embarrassing moments in my life to admit to just one. I will say, I can not for the life of me think of my MOST embarrassing moment. Maybe it's because I usually say F-It and walk away. Maybe it's because I have absolutely no shame in laughing at myself. Maybe it's just because my memory sucks! Anyway... here are a few moments from my past that do light a spark when "embarrassing moments" stirs in my brain...

When I was 10, we were playing in a tournament in California. I peed my pants during our game because I didn't want to go to the bathroom and not be back to bat. Cool kid huh?
Same tournament, I threw a fit because we ate at a seafood restaurant on the pier. I cried and screamed at my mom because it smelled and my food tasted fishy. I was a baby.
Same tournament again I believe... I yelled and cried because Martina ate my cheeseburger, and I WOULD NOT eat a hamburger. Like really Lisa??? What's the dang difference anyway! Apparently, I had a bad weekend.
I was going to catch a pop fly and tripped and the ball hit me in the nose one time. I'm a klutz.
I got "talked to" by an ex's mom after I stayed the night at his house one night on accident cuz we fell asleep. Awkward.
I fall a lot. End of story.
Feel free to add to my list if you know me.

Moving on:
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
Ten?? Just 10?!?! I could go all day with this one... - not that I think I'm perfect or anything. I mean we all make mistakes. Heck, I make them frequently.

1. Their, there, they're (or THEY ARE) - come on people.
2. Your vs You're (YOU ARE) - again, really?? I mean I'll give it to people that write: Your an idiot. - not really give as much as not get TOTALLY annoyed. BUT when people go the extra mile to add an apostrophe when it's not needed, that kills me! ex. Take you're jacket. Ummm... what!?
3. When I get a text response that says 'oh' - that's it, just OH. Why bother? My husband is notorious for this one.
4. People who don't use common sense. ex. caller: I don't understand why my bill is so much. me: Well sir, did you pay your bill last month? caller: No. me: ***UmMM HELLLOOOO! That's just a tiny example.
5. Rude people who think they are entitled to something. Who the F raised you to think that it is ok to talk to people that way????
6. People blaming other people for their faults. -No sir, you have a late fee because you paid your bill late. End of Story!
7. It is not - I SEEN the car go by. You saw it. You saw the car.
8. If you don't win, you LOSE. You don't loose. Your - notice the spelling there - pants can be loose when they are too big. You're - spelling - not loosing. You are losing. You aren't a looser. You are a loser. This makes my skin crawl.
9. Gum smackers. Just chew your darn gum normal. Do you chomp your food loudly?? No, so chew your gum the same way.
10. When people move my stuff around. I am weirdly anal about random things. I am by no means a neat freak. But, certain things must be a certain way. Just put it back where and how you found it!

That's all I have for now... I feel like that was a venting post with the peeves! :) Next time we will be a little more cheery!

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