
Friday, August 24, 2012

friday fever

It's FRIDAY! You know what that means... it's the weekend! Pure joy. I am pumped for this weekend for a few reasons.

1. I get a massage, mani and pedi tomorrow at Beau Monde. Yes. Puuuuuure bliss. My MIL gave me a gift card for Christmas, plus a free massage! Needless to say, I have procrastinated on using them. I'm good like that. But tomorrow, it's all about me.

2. After my morning spa session, I am heading southbound on 35 to OKC. That's right, I will be jamming to Pat Green my whole drive. I get to see my bestie - which is long overdue. I am excited. Downfall - Alex is working so he can't come with me. So, it's a girls night, and it will surely be enjoyable. Plus, it's a celebration for a college friend's wedding! Whoo hoooo. I love l-o-v-e.

3. Sunday = a day with Alex, packing, and relaxing. IF I can make it back in time, then I will be attending Rae's bridal shower in the AM. But, I am not sure hitting the road that early will work out since I have had plans with these two Oklahomans for a while. So, I will have to send my love in spirit. :) However, I will be packing for her WEDDING Sunday evening! So, that counts right??? I think so. Ugh. I detest packing. I ALWAYS over pack. I can't help it. It's in my "Jean"s - play on words there. Did ya like it??? haha... FYI - Jean is my grandma. Notorious for over packing - I just never know what we will be doing, so I pack everything I THINK I might need. The ironic part - it never fails that there is something that I need that I don't have. EVERY TIME. So, my goal for this trip is to under pack. Nothing that a bathing suit and cover-up won't work for, right? Plus a few dresses for dinner and the wedding. That's it. Sounds simple right? Wrong... what dresses do I bring? I need a jacket to match all of them. darn. And that doesn't even account for shoes. Or accessories... Oh, the problems of a girl....

my packing list

daily needs and wedding attire

for a night out or dinner at the resort

I think Monday and Tuesday will probably be the longest days EVER. I am antsy with anticipation for what this vacation will bring. Who knows - if it keeps raining, I might be holed up under a bed, sipping my cocktail from a straw so I don't spill. A little hurricane won't stop me! I am pumped! It is a much needed vacation/honeymoon/wedding party. I can't even fathom the memories that will be formed. So, until Wednesday, I will enjoy my weekend by making other memories. Surely, those that will last a lifetime.

Come Wednesday, my brain will be on vacation. And oh what a trip it will be! So, if you need me, you better catch me before then!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

number 12

12. Describe a typical day in your current life. - from my list of 30 things.

Hmmm.. my typical day. Wake up. Er, hit snooze 3 times. Cuddle with my pups. Drag myself out of bed. Brush my teeth, let the dogs out. Shower. Throw on some sorry excuse for make-up. Run out the door for work. Show up with a minute to spare. Race inside. Work. Listen to clients complain. Head home to my baby. This week, this changed. School started again. Boooo. Although it was MY choice to go back to school, I still don't look forward to the work involved. This semester is going to jam packed with reading, studying and projects. Sorry Alex. The up side is that I get out of work for a few hours. It's nice to have a break from that. I think I should "enjoy" some of my classes this semester. We shall see. I feel a lot more enveloped in class this go around though. That is for sure. I think by going back to school, and it being a well thought out choice, it makes me participate in class a lot more. I am not just there because I have to be. It was my choice to be there. So, let's hope I learn a thing or two. Then, I can get a job that I will enjoy, that will make me happy - oh and a god chunk of change. That never hurts, does it??

So, go ahead and add school into that routine. Plus MANY beers when I have to time!!

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

ode to love

Music is such a big part of my life. It can make my worst days tolerable. It helps my work days pass quicker. It makes me shake my booty. It makes me cry. It makes me feel blessed beyond belief. It makes me happy. There is a song for every emotion and every mood.

Lately, love songs have been hitting hard in my heart. They help me appreciate the true love and joy that my husband brings me. I can't honestly imagine my life without Alex. He is my person. The one who puts a smile on my face, who wipes my tears when I need him, who is hard and temperamental when it's called for, but soft and tender when the time is right. I am so incredibly thankful to have found this man to share my life with.

You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you
Like everything that's green, I need you
But it's more than one and one makes two
Put aside the math and the logic of it
You gotta know you want it too
- Song by Hunter Hayes

Do you ever catch yourself driving down the street when a certain song comes on, and you just lose it? It's like an emotional flood gate - which is rare for me. Lately, I am in awe of the blessing that God gave me. I am so fortunate to experience a once in a lifetime kind of love each and every day. I know that this is a blessing from God. For this gift, I am forever grateful.

A reading from the first letter of St John 4:7-12

God is love
My dear people,
let us love one another
since love comes from God
and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Anyone who fails to love can never have known God,
because God is love.
God's love for us was revealed
when God sent into the world his only Son
so that we could have life through him;
this is the love I mean:
not our love for God,
but God's love for us when he sent his Son
to be the sacrifice that takes our sins away.
My dear people,
since God has loved us so much,
we too should love one another.
No one has ever seen God;
but as long as we love one another
God will live in us
and his love will be complete in us.

Alex's 21st birthday, and the night it all began.

Our first trip together to Austin for my BFF's wedding!

First vacation with my family to NYC!

Sea World with my family

Arizona for the other BFF's wedding!

Popeye and Olive Oyl

Hiking Camelback mountain with the sis and bro-in-law

Fishing with the neice and nephew

Halloween 2010

My 25th at beerfest

Alex's first Arizona Christmas

having fun at Rustler's Roost in AZ

Royals Game

Cali for a short honeymoon

Engagement celebration in AZ

Alex's 25th/ St. Patty's day 2012

Alex surprised me with a speech - given by the DJ - at our wedding about how we met and came to be where we are today before we were introduced at the reception. so sweet.
The bride and groom want me to take a moment before I introduce them to let you all know thank you for being a part of their special day. They want to give a special thanks to their parents for making this all possible, and making it the best days of their lives. Words can’t express the the appreciation that they have for the four of you. None of this would be possible without you guys. So Lisa and Alex just want to say thank you and they love you.  

They wanted me to take a moment to share a few words to let you all know how they got to where they are today. First of all Lisa always knew Alex was the man of her dreams, even back when she met him when he was still in high school. I know some of you may not know Alex all that well, but that’s him just being his normal sarcastic self. Alex is lucky he has met the woman of his dreams. The two have known each other since Lisa’s freshman year in college, however Lisa always looked at Alex as the immature little  brother of one of her good friends, that was until Alex decided to make a move. However that move was when Alex had liquid courage and Lisa didn’t take him serious at first. He tried 3 times before she took him serious. It just so happened that every time Alex said something to her, he was a little intoxicated, but hey just like anyone else he likes to have a good time. They always spent time around each other during Lisa’s college days however they were just merely friends and never thought anything more.  Alex was the younger brother just sitting back taking everything in while he watched Lisa and his brother’s friend’s party and have a good time. Little did the two of them know that they would soon be together and starting an unimaginable journey, that one day they would be standing here today as husband and wife! Barb was in town to visit Lisa on Barb’s birthday and it just so happened to be Alex’s 21st. Alex always took a liking to Lisa, and of course he wanted her to be a part of his adventures as they took a bus around town, and partied hard! The night was progressing everyone was having a good time, and Alex started telling Barb that one day he was going to marry her daughter. We all know what she was thinking at the time, this guy is a drunken fool, what kind of nonsense is he speaking? Well as you can see he was very serious and that’s why we are all here today.
The night went on and everyone was having a good time and Lisa gave Alex a birthday kiss. Lisa won’t admit it but Alex claims this was their “first kiss”. Anyway days went by, Lisa and Alex talked off and on, and decided to go bowling one night. Mind you, this was before Lisa ever agreed to a date. Alex wasn’t drinking much this time and brought out a challenge for Lisa and said if I beat you bowling left handed we will go on a date. Of course she agreed, but it kind of sucked that’s the way it had to go but Lisa was being her stubborn self and always likes a challenge. Alex beat her and they went on their first date. They dated for a little over 3 years and Alex knew long before that this would be the girl he would spend the rest of his life with, so a year ago December Alex decided to make another move and ask her to marry him. Everything was going perfect, Alex was nervous at dinner while his brother Dylan was setting up at home. Turning all the lights off, leaving the lights for the christmas tree on, leaving out a bottle of wine, and a note Alex had writtenAlex had the ring all throughout dinner, clinching it with his sweaty handsAs they got home Lisa turned on the kitchen lights and started to do dishes. This was weird occurrence because that never happened! Can you guys tell that Alex wrote this? She walked right past what Alex had set up and started to change into pajamas because they were leaving early for Phoenix the next day. Alex proceeded to walk over to the tree and he asked Lisa, “what is this”? She pulled the note off started to read it, and realized what was happening. Alex got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.
To him this is a fairy tale story, he never knew he could be this lucky, to have the best girl in the world that would drop everything just to make him happy! Here they are today spending their special day with all of you wonderful people, starting the adventure of a lifetime that nobody can ever take away. 

Oh how I love this man.

Book of Tobit 8:4b-8
Tobiah arose from bed and said to his wife, "My love, get up. Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us and grant us deliverance." She got up, and they started to pray and beg that deliverance might be theirs. He began with these words:

"Blessed ard you, O God of our fathers; praised be your name forever and ever.
Let the heavens and all your creation praise you forever.
You made Adam and you give him his wife Eve to be his help and suppoer; and from these two the human race descended.
You said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.'
Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose.
Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age."

They said together, "Amen, amen."

So from the words of Adam Sandler...

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

I look forward to each and every day we spend together. I am anxious to live this life that God has planned for us, and I wouldn't want to spend it with anybody else. Each day is an adventure - the ride of a lifetime.

you'll always be my Angel.

Monday, August 13, 2012

it's GLOW time

This past weekend, we celebrated RaeAnn's bachelorette with Wichita's first Glow Run 5k followed by a night of dancing and drinking. It was a blast. Let's just say that I am feeling the aftermath still, and it's Monday. You know you are getting old when your back is so sore from one night out. The group of girl's at this party were amazing. Each one of us had a BLAST all night long. The Glow Run was memorable for sure. There were thousands of Wichitans decked out, head to toe in neon clothing, glow jewelry, glow in the dark body paint, etc. You name it, we saw it. I loved every moment. I enjoy times like this, when the craziness is outdone by more craziness. I am all for 'themes' and dressing up from head to toe. My sister - who I love oh so dearly - even sent me some glow in the dark shoe laces from NJ - well probably some online store but that's where she lives!!! Awesome.

The Beautiful Bachelorette

Pre- Glow Run Excitement

At the (very crowded) starting line!



Post run drinks

Dance battle royalllll

Ohhhh it was such a fun night. Which wasted most of my Sunday. But - oh so worth it. Definitely a party filled run that I would re-do in a heart beat.

Next time these pictures will be from the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC for this happy bride's wedding day, and a much needed vacation for the rest of us! Those memories - or lack there of with the amounts of alcohol that will be consumed - shall be ones for the record books. I - for one - am counting down the days. In 16 days, look out airlines.. there will be a party aboard your plane! And I am pumped.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

thirty things -cont...

Remember this... List of 30 Things???? Ya, well my whole goal of one a day is obviously not happening. So, you get them when you get them :)

For #10. Describe your most embarrassing moment... there are too many embarrassing moments in my life to admit to just one. I will say, I can not for the life of me think of my MOST embarrassing moment. Maybe it's because I usually say F-It and walk away. Maybe it's because I have absolutely no shame in laughing at myself. Maybe it's just because my memory sucks! Anyway... here are a few moments from my past that do light a spark when "embarrassing moments" stirs in my brain...

When I was 10, we were playing in a tournament in California. I peed my pants during our game because I didn't want to go to the bathroom and not be back to bat. Cool kid huh?
Same tournament, I threw a fit because we ate at a seafood restaurant on the pier. I cried and screamed at my mom because it smelled and my food tasted fishy. I was a baby.
Same tournament again I believe... I yelled and cried because Martina ate my cheeseburger, and I WOULD NOT eat a hamburger. Like really Lisa??? What's the dang difference anyway! Apparently, I had a bad weekend.
I was going to catch a pop fly and tripped and the ball hit me in the nose one time. I'm a klutz.
I got "talked to" by an ex's mom after I stayed the night at his house one night on accident cuz we fell asleep. Awkward.
I fall a lot. End of story.
Feel free to add to my list if you know me.

Moving on:
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
Ten?? Just 10?!?! I could go all day with this one... - not that I think I'm perfect or anything. I mean we all make mistakes. Heck, I make them frequently.

1. Their, there, they're (or THEY ARE) - come on people.
2. Your vs You're (YOU ARE) - again, really?? I mean I'll give it to people that write: Your an idiot. - not really give as much as not get TOTALLY annoyed. BUT when people go the extra mile to add an apostrophe when it's not needed, that kills me! ex. Take you're jacket. Ummm... what!?
3. When I get a text response that says 'oh' - that's it, just OH. Why bother? My husband is notorious for this one.
4. People who don't use common sense. ex. caller: I don't understand why my bill is so much. me: Well sir, did you pay your bill last month? caller: No. me: ***UmMM HELLLOOOO! That's just a tiny example.
5. Rude people who think they are entitled to something. Who the F raised you to think that it is ok to talk to people that way????
6. People blaming other people for their faults. -No sir, you have a late fee because you paid your bill late. End of Story!
7. It is not - I SEEN the car go by. You saw it. You saw the car.
8. If you don't win, you LOSE. You don't loose. Your - notice the spelling there - pants can be loose when they are too big. You're - spelling - not loosing. You are losing. You aren't a looser. You are a loser. This makes my skin crawl.
9. Gum smackers. Just chew your darn gum normal. Do you chomp your food loudly?? No, so chew your gum the same way.
10. When people move my stuff around. I am weirdly anal about random things. I am by no means a neat freak. But, certain things must be a certain way. Just put it back where and how you found it!

That's all I have for now... I feel like that was a venting post with the peeves! :) Next time we will be a little more cheery!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

sad post

I haven't felt like myself for the past week or so. There is something in the air that is just making me feel blue. My uncle has been fighting with heart problems for a while now. He has had a pacemaker for years and years - so did Gramps. Recently - for about a year - his pacemaker just wasn't doing the trick anymore. He was tired and in pain most of the time. He needed a lot of rest and relaxation time. For my sister's wedding, he barely made it to the reception and for family pictures. Family is something we take advantage of far to often. My aunt and Uncle live in Florida, so we didn't see them as much as we would have liked. By the time our wedding came along this May, my uncle was in the hospital. So, he and my Aunt Maryanne couldn't make the trip. It's my mom's oldest brother, Uncle Bob. This past weekend, mom and dad had to make a sudden trip to Florida because the hospital could no longer be of service - He spent the past few months in the hospital waiting on a heart transplant. So, they sent him home to be comfortable with the care of his wife and a hospice nurse. Mom and dad got there, and spent time catching up with their brother. In the meantime, my Aunt and Uncle - mom's other brother and sister, there are 4 kids in all - were still in route from Arizona and Chicago when Uncle Bob started to fade. This is the amazing part -- mom informed us that Uncle Bob was slowly fading early Saturday afternoon. Aunt Mary/Uncle Ken and Uncle Jim/Aunt Kris weren't scheduled to arrive until the evening. Throughout the day of updates, mom told us that Uncle Bob would wake up and ask if he could "go Home" to be with mom and dad - my grandparents- yet. Mom and Aunt Maryanne would tell him to hold on until Mary and Jim got there. He would say ok, and then go back unconcious. He would wake up again and this would repeat. No one thought that he would be able to hold on until they arrived - but he did. People are stronger than they appear. Family is a bond that adds strength. Love conquers all else. The family love shared between my uncle and his siblings was so strong that it kept him alive long enough for final good-byes. Now that is amazing.

So, my heart is sad for the loss of such a great man. But, it is also sad because I can't hug my mom. My mom, the strong, brave, loving, burden bearing woman that she is needs the support we have for her. But, I can't be there to give it to her. That breaks my heart. I am not the one with words of comfort. I don't ever have the right thing to say. I can't express what the depths of my heart feel. That's a weakness I have. But I haven't hated that so much as I do now. I love my momma with every ounce of my soul, and her pain is my pain. That's the downfall of living in a different state. No hugs for mom - the only way I know how to share in tradgic times.

RIP Uncle Bob. You will be forever missed and always loved. Welcome home to heaven. Say hi to Grandma and Grandpa for me. And give my little niece a hug and kiss.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

role models

This question is going to be a long one, so I'll keep my answers short and to the point. I'll start with the most obvious.

9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

1. My Grandpa. He always encouraged me to use my brain and go into engineering. He was such a pushy man with the best intentions at heart.
2. My Grandma. She was such an involved Grandma in our lives. She was supportive, loving, funny, loud and quirky. I know my kids are lucky because my mom has so much of my Grandma in her. She showed me the value of family and love.
3. My momma. Hands down the greatest woman I know. Selfless, supportive, strong, kind, caring, generous... the list goes on. She gave us everything we could ever need as kids. She taught me to respect myself, my parents and human kind. She is my best friend. She pushes me to become the woman I want/need to be. She would give up anything for me, just to make me happy. If I am half the mom she is, then my kids will be ok. She taught me the importance of family. She taught me to love unconditionally.
4. My daddio. He taught me so much growing up. He was my coach my whole life. He was my protector and my support. Daddy taught me so much of who I am. He taught me to be brave, to play sports, that happy mom= happy family.
5-7. My sisters- in no particular order - being the youngest of 4 girls, I had a lot to live up to, look up to, and learn from. My oldest sister Kim was the mom figure to me. Since she is 8 years older than me, I didn't really get to know her until I was old enough to understand. This happened in college when Kim moved home from New Jersey. I always saw Kim as the quiet shy nerdy one. But, in college she came out of her shell. She made me see that we all find ourselves at different times. Sarah showed me how to be tough. I learned that it's ok to walk away from something when it's not right, even if it's hard to do. I always wanted to be just like her on the softball field. She was fierce. Amy taught me to be genuine. She lives her life through smiles and kindness. All of them have shown me that loyalty pays, family is forever, and friendship is a gift. You can't choose your family, but you can choose to love them. You can choose to be best friends. You can choose to be supportive, protective and loving.
8. Sir Charles Barkley. He was such a dominating forward in the NBA and he is only 6'4"-ish. He had no fear as an athlete. He did what he wanted - and did a spectacular job at it too. He was aggressive, passionate and sooo fun to watch. He is by far my biggest athletic role model.
9. My husband. Alex makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want to 'be all I can be' - not his words. He is encouraging and pushes me to get crap done. I talk a lot of game - ie. school, work, yardwork, working out - but without him pushing me, half of it wouldn't get done. He knows what he wants and makes it happen - for example, the fire dept. That is inspiring.
10. Generically - all those that make a difference. I think there are several teachers I have had over the years who encouraged me to embrace my brains. For them, I am forever greatful.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

sweet tooth

This past weekend, Alex and I decided it was time to use all of the gift cards we got from the wedding. At first, I was trying to wait to use them until we got everything sorted, thank you cards sent, and had a list of what else we needed. That didn't happen. Thank you cards take FOREVER! I write about 25 at a time and then lose focus, my hand hurts, and I run out of things to write. Ugh... not ok. So, we decided we would give it a go. Alex was a pain in the butt THE WHOLE TIME! Let me be honest, I HATE Bed bath and beyond. Hate it. It's a love-hate relationship. I swear, I can never find anything I need in that darn store. Which means, it took me forever to find things I had registered for. I finally gave up and just grabbed anything of the item I thought we needed. However, we did get some new knives. We have been needing these oh so bad! It was the one thing Alex has been talking about - besides his tools from Sears. With our knives, we got the cutest free gift! It is the tiniest cheese board with two cheese knives! Awesome. I think it is perfect. Anyway, my favorite purchase - and one I have been longing for since I first registered... that's right, I said I not WE - is the Kitchenaid ice cream maker attachment. Alex and I both have THE biggest sweet tooths. I love ice cream. It is pure bliss. So, after freezing the bowl overnight and cooking up the batch of ice cream, I gave it a go. It is delicious! Nothing better than homemade ice cream. I can't wait to make more. The great thing about the freeze bowl is that you can keep it in the freezer all the time. It is always ready to go! And, it only takes about 15 minutes to freeze up the ice cream! Heaven.  

Peanut butter Ice cream batter with mini peanut butter cups!

Easy as pie!

Mixing along to make it nice and thick!

Next time, I am going to try to make some Sherbert!! That should be delicious!