
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Me, myself and Alex

This past weekend was such a fun time. We were going to go to Kansas City for a quick weekend trip for some fun and relaxation, just the 2 of us. BUT, that plan changed. Alex worked Friday night, so I spent the evening with some wine and crafts!! I love nights like those. Out of all the people I know who are pregnant, I only know 1 having a girl! I swear it's boy season or something. Anyway... I was pumped to be able to actually MAKE something pretty for a baby shower I went to on Saturday morning. Let me tell you, I had a BLAST getting my creative pants on with these gifts I made. Check them out!

Fancy sparkly pink and purple Tutu. every little girl MUST have one! With a removable bow for interchanging!

The entire package. I didn't make the 'L' or basket though! Those came from Hobby Lobby :)

All sizes of headbands with removable bows

On Saturday, Alex and I had a nice day together. - Who needs KC for that anyway?? - We went to the gym in the morning when he got home from work. Now that's a place it has been WAY too long since I attended! Yikes, I am OUT OF SHAPE! - New Goal: Get my bootie back to the gym. My friend Christin and I are going to keep each other rather she is going to help me, stay motivated! We start our morning workouts tomorrow. We decided since our hubbies are on the same shift, that we would get up early when they do and workout together! Let's hope it becomes habit since I am NOT a morning person. - Back to Saturday. After the baby shower, Alex and I had a "date" at the movies. We saw Ted. It was haaaaa-larious. There were some dull moments for sure, but all movies must have those to keep to some sort of storyline. In all, we enjoyed it! After the movie we headed home to relax for a bit. Alex wanted me to "watch" him play Tiger Woods on his XboX. Puh-lease. Like that would happen. So, I told him I would play with him. Boy oh boy, I am addicted. I have played before, but never really enjoyed it much. Maybe it's the competitive edge in me, but I enjoyed it this time. Maybe it was just the time with the hubs. It was enjoyable, quality, relaxing time. Something we don't do often. After I started to get the hang of it - I still got my butt kicked - I was doing pretty good! So, I was hooked. We ended our game a little early - hole 16 I believe - to head to a friend's house to BBQ and swim. What better way is there to spend a summer night??? My all time favorite things... friends, food, booze, and water - to be in, not drink- oh and of course Alex.

On Sunday, I was a trooper and got up at 8:30. That's early on a weekend for me - no kids yet! But, Alex and I decided we really need to get back to Church. So, we went to 9 AM mass - I yawned too many times. Bad me. - but it felt so good to be back there. After church, we fired up the good ol' XboX again and hit the links. I sucked. What happened to my back 9 experience from yesterday??? Ugggh. But, I still enjoyed it tons. Alex even tried to help me out lots on the greens. Such a good hubby :) Sunday was a hot one! Alex had slow pitch games in Haysville, so we ventured there for a few hours. I really enjoy watching Alex play. - except when he has an attitude problem and yells at the umpire. Embarrassing. - It probably comes from me being an athlete, but I don't mind sitting and cheering them on. The sweating on the other hand... yikes - it could be a little cooler. We had some dinner with Alex's brother and his girlfriend after the games though! I got to know her a lot better that day, and I really enjoyed our chats. It was a nice little Sunday Funday. But that made it all that much harder for it to be over.

I hate nights alone. Alex worked Monday. I was a lazy piece. I was SOOO tired. I needed to run, clean and work out. It didn't happen.

But last night, Alex and I had some fun together again. After meeting some people for a drink, we ordered pizza - so healthy, I know - and played some more Tiger Woods. I think I am getting the hang of this game. I just love my hubby. I am one lucky girl, and have been spoiled with 'quality' time this past weekend/week.

Alex has his probationary test tomorrow. I can't believe he has been on the fire department for an entire year already!! - well close - August 1st was his first day of the "academy" and training. I am just so proud of him and all of his hard work and accomplishments. He is nervous for his test. - I know he will do great!

Alex's Graduation Video

Brand new Helmet!
These are NOT my photos! - as you can see - From one of his fires - he is in the black :)

Such a stud - proud wife here :))))

Oh how I love my man :)

Two more days until the weekend! And a night on the town with some friends - sans babies! Should be a good time, and I can not wait!

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