
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't quit your day job

Moving on up on the List of 30 Things... this one should be interesting.

7. What is your dream job, and why?

This is an extraordinary question... one that I have been struggling to figure out for YEARS! To be 100% honest, I still don't have it all figured out. BUT, I have made some headway. I can say this, my DREAM job is to be able to do something to help others live their life in full ability to what they want to do. (Confusing sentence, I know.) So, I went back to school a few semesters ago to get a 2nd degree in BioMedical Engineering. My hopes: To design or improve designs of sports aided prosthetics and implants. i.e.....

The design of the inventive "runner's foot" helps this man achieve is goals of becoming an Olympian.

This girl is able to get back on the field again with her new leg, built tough.

Being an athlete and THRIVING on competition and activity my whole life, I would be devastated if these opportunities were taken away from me. I want to help these people continue to live the life they love. This is an area that I understand. It is something personal. I have the heart for it, which would allow me to be passionate about my designs, ideas and work.

Another area that hits close to home, is internal pumps and IV's that children must have at all times. Their lives and childhood are hindered because of these attachments they must carry. I would love to design something that is just as functional, but less obtrusive. More comfortable. Something that makes them feel more "normal" compared to others. Childhood is such an amazing experience. Every child deserves one.

Of course, there are many other areas that I might discover and turn to, but for now... these are my goals. My dream job is to help others live the life they love when it seems they might not have to option.

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