
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

{Parental Guidance}

Question #3...

3. Describe your relationship with your parents

My parents and I have always had a good relationship. For some reason, I grew up with so much respect for my parents. I NEVER wanted to disappoint them. Now, don't get me wrong... I have done PLENTY of things that I should not have growing up. (Should not have- meaning probably not the best choice, not that I didn't enjoy them at the time!) It's funny how your relationship changes with your parents as the years go by. As a child, you never want them to leave you. As a teen, they embarrass you. In high school, you want them to LEAVE YOU ALONE, go out of town so you can throw parties. In college, you brag about them and what they let you  get away with... You call them for EVERYTHING. And as an adult, they are your best friends.

For me, I realized how blessed I was in college. For anyone who has gone away to college, you understand what it is like to miss your parents. The support I ALWAYS had (have) from my parents makes me realize how truly fortunate I am. They are the ones I turn to for anything, big or small. As I have said previously, I am NOT good with emotions or feelings. So, this carries over to phone conversations too... I am the worst phone conversationalist (is that a word?? :/ ) of all time. I hate it. So many questions, so many questions! However, I wouldn't trade those conversations for anything.

I have always been a daddy's girl. I grew up a tom boy. I spent as much time with daddy at work or softball as I could. I got much of my personality from him... some good, some not so good, i.e. my temper. I blame my quirkiness on my daddio. On my wedding day, the only time I cried was dancing with my dad. Dad has always been a karaoke fanatic. He loves to sing! For our dance, he surprised me with a video of him singing "Lady in Red," which was always his top choice growing up, and a song that will always remind me of him. It was heart felt, endearing and priceless.

My mom is my best friend. She is the most giving, comforting and supportive mom in the world. She had A LOT to put up with having FOUR girls. Not just girls, but athletes... competitive, strong willed, stubborn, loud, girly athletes. As I get older, I realize just how much I become my mother more and more each day. I have a lot to live up to. My mom is the person who would invite any stranger off the street to her house just because they had no other place to spend a holiday. She could talk to a brick wall (not really) for hours. She is chatty, fun, energetic, and passionate. The more I am on my own, the more I see her in myself. She is such an inspiration as a mom. I only hope that when I have kids, they will look at me the same way.

watching the surprise video

Dad's video of him Singing

Lots of Love -Lisa

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